Improving Public Transport for a Changing Urban Landscape
🗓️ 24 October 2024 | 11:00 – 12:30 CET | Online

The SPINE and UPPER projects, also part of the CIVITAS initiative, are organising a joint webinar one Thursday, October 24; on the topic of “Improving Public Transport for a Changing Urban Landscape”.
Topics include:
🔹 Mobility hubs and urban redesign for social purposes
🔹 Public transport prioritization and cycling safety
🔹 Pedestrian infrastructure
The AMIGOS coordinator Martin Krekeler from Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg will be one of the speaker and will highlights some preliminary results of our project, focusing on social needs and expectations.
Detailed description: European cities redesign urban space to improve the quality of life for citizens and visitors, but also to address the climate change emergency. Mobility as a basic human right puts public transport as the spine of the local mobility offer. This is central to any modern urban space redesign. Few cities from SPINE and UPPER projects will present their experiences to date in improving the mobility offer and addressing also the urban space. Moreover, AMIGOS project will also present how one its cities address the urban space redesign having in mind certain social categories’ needs and expectations.