Here you can find some of the public deliverables of the project as soon as they become available. They will provide more information on the activities developed by AMIGOS.
Scientific publications
Communication materials
Updated Fotefar mobile application
This deliverable will review the main findings of the updating process of Fotefar application, including insights from tracking users’ travel habits and stated–preference survey, towards obtaining a comprehensive picture of users’ expected response to different urban mobility solutions.
Stakeholder engagement strategy
The stakeholder engagement strategy includes recruiting participants for co-creation workshops held in the ten Safety Improvement Areas (SIAs). This document outlines effective methods to engage relevant stakeholders and provides approaches to incentivize their participation in the project. The target stakeholders comprise local residents, community associations, and city contacts.
Big data platform
Co-creation methodology
This deliverable will review the main findings of the updating process of Fotefar application, including insights from tracking users’ travel habits and stated–preference survey, towards obtaining a comprehensive picture of users’ expected response to different urban mobility solutions.
Recommendations for sustainable urban mobility
Digital twins
The deliverables (D3.1) will include the description and analysis performed with digital twins to evaluate the impact of the innovations from traffic and security point of view. The AMIGOS digital twins will allow 3 cities to better evaluate new mobility scenarios in their city based on interventions. While some cities, transport authorities and researchers will be interested in the forecasts themselves, others will wish to build another digital twin specifically for their city. For the latter, a guide will be shared. The platform can also be used as an example for tech companies wishing to provide similar services.
Guide for city model and digital twin development
The deliverable will describre how to use the digital twin (D3.2). The models will contain mobility information (ex. Infrastructure, traffic congestion, people occupancy, CO2 emissions, travel behaviour, etc.) to build as comprehensive and detailed digital copies of the cities. It will help to use the virtual replica of city to optimize operations, enhance sustainability, and improve citizen well-being. This comprehensive guide provides a step-by-step approach to developing a digital twin for the city.
Replicability analysis
The replicability analysis report assesses the potential for adopting, adapting, and replicating urban mobility solutions and the reallocation of public space co-developed within AMIGOS in the context of urban mobility in other cities. It also provides recommendations for overcoming challenges related to local environments and stakeholder involvement.
Roadmap for adoption of urban mobility solutions
Communication, dissemination, exploitation plan
The plan describes the methodology used to reach the targeted audiences and to ensure the wide dissemination and exploitation of the project results. The plan will encompass dedicated objectives and actions for both the project’s communication as well as dissemination incl. key messages, audiences, products and channels, timing and responsibilities, and will encourage networking with the Cities Mission platform and the other projects of the cluster « Inclusive, safe, and sustainable transportation
Data Management, Ethics and Security Plan (DMP)
The Data Management, Ethics, and Security Plan outlines the project’s data management policy regarding privacy, data collection, storage, and protection in compliance with EU law (GDPR 679/2016). It specifies the data generated by the project, its processing, utilization, curation, and preservation. Special emphasis is placed on the ethical and legal frameworks for safeguarding sensitive data collected through pilot site protocols and among stakeholders.