Let’s co-create green, safe, and inclusive mobility solutions!

Join us to co-create and scale sustainable urban mobility solutions, tested in 5 cities, 10 urban areas, and replicated in 5 twin cities!

Project overview

Started in June 2023, AMIGOS (Active Mobility Innovations for Green and Safe Solutions) is a 4-year project funded with €9.1 million by the EU’s Horizon Europe programme. It aims to address mobility challenges in 5 cities (LLs) and 10 urban areas (SIAs) through co-creation activities and innovative digital tools.

Project main objectif

The digital tools, including a Mobility Observation Box and a data collection app, will feed a big data platform and digital twins to visualize mobility scenarios. These tools will help urban stakeholders identify challenges and co-develop solutions to reduce traffic, promote public and active mobility, and improve safety in 5 cities (LLs) and 10 urban areas (SIAs). Key stakeholders, including public authorities and vulnerable users, will define technological and policy solutions, with their impacts assessed for replicability in 5 Twin Cities (TCs).

Key highlights






Understand urban mobility challenges

Using advanced data collection and modeling methods, AMIGOS will analyse urban mobility ecosystems to identify key challenges cities face.

Co-Create Sustainable Mobility Solutions

AMIGOS will use art- and game-based methods alongside digital-twin city models to design sustainable urban mobility solutions collaboratively.

Boost Public Transport & Active Mobility

AMIGOS will implement and test co-created solutions in Living Labs to reduce car usage and promote public transport and active mobility modes.

Optimize public space in 5 Living Labs and 10 Safety Improvement Areas

AMIGOS will rebalance public spaces by creating exclusive zones for active mobility and multi-purpose areas that adapt to citizen needs based on the time of day/week.

Improve Mobility Co-Habitation

AMIGOS will enhance coordination between road users by separating mobility lanes and using smart traffic lights to mitigate congestion during specific events.

Enhance Safety & Quality of Life in 10 SIAs

Through co-creation activities and technological solutions, AMIGOS will analyze specific areas in 10 Safety Improvement Areas (SIAs) and implement safety measures to improve both perceived and actual safety, especially for vulnerable users.

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Check out our city factsheets!

2 weeks ago

Check out our city factsheets!

The AMIGOS project will test inclusive, safe, affordable, and sustainable mobility solutions in 10 diverse cities (+5 twin…

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5 min read

AMIGOS at the SPINE & UPPER 3rd Webinar

4 months ago

AMIGOS at the SPINE & UPPER 3rd Webinar

Improving Public Transport for a Changing Urban Landscape🗓️ 24 October 2024 | 11:00 – 12:30 CET | Online…

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1 min read


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