AMIGOS embraces a multifaceted approach with 8 key pillars to tackle urban mobility challenges and promote sustainability.

1. Provide a better understanding of urban mobility ecosystems & challenges 

Through advanced data collection and modelling methods, AMIGOS will conduct a preliminary analysis to understand cities’ urban mobility ecosystems and the challenges they are facing.

2. Develop & test an inclusive co-creation methodology for designing sustainable mobility solutions

The co-creation activities will use art- and game-based methods, as well as digital-twin compatible comprehensive city models for designing sustainable urban mobility solutions.

3. Optimize public transport usage & create incentives for active mobility modes

AMIGOS will implement and test-out co-created technological and policy-related solutions in LLs, to drastically limit the ratio of cars on the road and promote and significantly increase the use and share of public transport and active mobility modes. 

4. Optimize public space in 5 LLs and 10 SIAs

AMIGOS will test out a two-fold solution to rebalance public space according to actual needs of citizens: designated areas will become exclusive to active mobility and specific areas will become multi-purposed according to the time of day/week, accommodating vehicle users and pedestrians alike. 

5. Improve co-habitation between mobilities in 5 LLs

AMIGOS will test out solutions to improve coordination between different road users, notably by separating mobility lanes, as well as utilizing smart traffic lights, which will provide mitigation measures in case of specific events. 

6. Improve safety and & the quality of life of citizens, especially vulnerable groups in 10 SIAs

Based on co-creation activities, as well as technological solutions, specific areas in SIAs will be analysed and safety measures will be implemented to improve perceived and actual safety of users, especially vulnerable ones. 

7. Assess the effectiveness of the developed innovative urban mobility solutions & install capacity-building measures

The effectiveness of developed solutions through the development of 3 comprehensive city digital twins that will evaluate the main 
types of project solutions in terms of optimized transport systems, boosted public transport usage and active mobility, and improved mobilities’ co-habitation and safety.

8. Demonstrate the replicability of active urban mobility solutions in 5 TCs & install capacity-building measures

Through knowledge and practice sharing, the 5 TCs will test out the developed solutions to demonstrate their effective replicability and upscaling. 


The methodology developed in AMIGOS relies on:

  • the collection and analysis of urban mobility data from pilot cities (1)
  • an art-based co-creation with urban stakeholders to better define city mobility solutions using an urban mobility toolbox, city model, and digital twins as a testbed for these solutions (2),
  • the implementation of the urban mobility solutions (3), and
  • the evaluation of these solutions for replication (4). 



Started in June 2023, AMIGOS is a 4-year Innovation Action, funded with 9.1 million euros from the EU’s Horizon Europe program. AMIGOS, short for Active Mobility Innovations for Green and Safe Solutions, involves 28 partners from 16 European and Associated countries.

AMIGOS is part of the CIVITAS Initiative, one of the flagship programmes helping the European Commission achieve its ambitious mobility and transport goals, by acting as a network of cities, for cities, dedicated to sustainable urban mobility.