Las Rozas – Spain

Key word: Promotion sustainable urban mobility

Main characteristics:

  • 15,6 M inhab registered.
  • Geographically split into Europe and Asia with a connection through the Bosphorus strait.
  • One of the densest vertical urbaniSation in the world.

Challenges to tackle:

  • Municipality dispersion and the existence of three main axes (boteh regional and national roads) poses great challenges for the management of the mobility of the municipality especially for the promotion of active mobility (pedestrians and cyclists) 
  • Environmental problems generated in recent years in the municipalities by the excessive use of polluting vehicles   

Main goals of the LL:

  • Improve mobility solutions so that the people who arrive to the city every day, through the train stations, can access the centres of attraction such as the universities or the office and business areas 
  • Optimise bike and pedestrian routes to schools 
  • Improve mobility planning process  
  • Make and inventory of the transport and mobility infrastructure of Las Rozas 
  • Improving the knowledge of mobility needs of its residents and visitors 