Key word: safety and security
Main characteristics:
- High urban mobility with majority of daily activities carried out on foot.
Challenges to tackle:
- Daytime population density represents 10 times the night-time population.
- Complicated cohabitation between vehicles and pedestrians.
- Due to the usage of fossil fuel-based vehicles, air quality is going worse in most of the areas of the city.
- Due to usage of fossil fuel-based vehicles and the unnecessary usage of their klaxons, the noise pollution is going worse in most of the areas of the city, especially in the areas which have heavy traffic.
- Finding the conflicts and risk creating components for the traffic
Main goals of the SIA:
- Measurement of the noise and air quality before and after the pedestrianisation
- Creating cleaner, safer, more accessible and more inclusive areas for the inhabitants, for everyone to have a public place where they can have some social time with the benefits of having better air quality, a safe place away from motored vehicles for their kids and animals, less noise pollution, and better accessibility for fragile groups, such as disabled people, people with the stroller, elderly people, and etc.
- “Mobility Observation Box (MOB)” will be used to analyse and overcome the risks and conflicts in the pilot abovementioned area.