Key words: safety, security, sustainability, active mobility, inclusion, accessibility, liveability, people in vulnerable situations, walking
Main characteristics:
- Almost 2 million inhabitants.
- One of Europe’s busiest ports which is a major feeder for the Baltic Sea too.
- Renowned for its dense, modern, vertical, urban development, particularly in the HafenCity, one of Europe’s largest inner-city regeneration projects.
- More than 500,000 commuters each day and a major tourist destination.
- Good public transport network, bicycle and scooter sharing as well as car sharing
- Flat topography
Challenges to tackle:
- Despite having an extensive public transportation network, Hamburg’s streets are still car dominated (moving and stationary).
- A lot has been done for making the transportation system more accessible and inclusive, but further improvement is still going on.
- Car traffic and low accessibility for pedestrians in some areas create safety risks for vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, and hinder the use of active mobility options.
Main goals of the LL:
- Reduce car traffic while promoting more sustainable and active mobility alternatives in the district of Hamburg-Lohbrügge
- Enhance the interaction between different modes of transport
- Create higher liveability in streets.
- Make transportation safer, and more environmentally friendly by means of scalable and transferable measures.